December 2018

Regulating Cash-in Cash-Out Networks in LMICs

Many individuals in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) face a financial infrastructure gap. One way organizations have begun addressing this financial infrastructure gap in low-income and rural communities is through the provision of digital financial services (DFS). To utilize DFS however, users must be able to convert physical cash into electronic money through cash-in, cash-out (CICO) networks.

November 2017

Who Has Heard of Mobile Money?

Being aware of the potential benefits and services of Digital Financial Services is pre-requisite to accessing them. We analyzed the effect of various sociodemographic characteristics on an individual’s likelihood to be aware of DFS, focusing in particular on differences by gender.

Cell phone
February 2017

Does Money Grow on Phones?

Mobile money, or the use of mobile devices to send, receive, and transfer money digitally, is becoming more popular around the world and offers a potential pathway to increase financial inclusion amon

Harvest Labor
January 2017

Impact of Rural and Agricultural Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), over 60% of people in Sub-Saharan Africa depend on the agricultural sector for their livelihoods.