Farmer's market in Kenya
September 2022

Presenting an Evaluation of Existing Poverty Measures

Agreeing on a definition of poverty is central to producing valid and reliable measures. Defining poverty, and a normative adequate standard of living, also carries practical significance for targeting assistance and tracking outcomes.

Photo Credit: PATH/Evelyn Hockstein
December 2017

Factors Affecting Private Sector Investment in Global Health R&D

Private sector investment in overall health research and development (R&D) exceeds $150 billion annually, but only $5.9 billion of this is focused on global health diseases that primarily affect low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). A recent EPAR review examines the evidence in the literature for five hypothesized disincentives to private sector investment in global health R&D, and looks at examples of policy incentives that may help promote private sector investment.

Photo credit: PATH/Evelyn Hockstein
December 2017

Addressing Challenges to Private Global Health R&D Investment Through Partnerships

EPAR reviewed the literature on factors affecting private sector investment in global health R&D. Partnerships are common across all phases of preclinical and clinical research. Both within the private sector and spanning the private, public, and philanthropic sectors, partnerships are generally seen as effective mechanisms to overcome research disincentives and increase private investment in global health R&D.