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Crops & Climate Change: Wheat


Tue, 12/14/2010

AUTHORS: Cecily Stokes-Prindle, Stephen Po-Chedley, Brian Smoliak, Alison Cullen, C. Leigh Anderson


As part of the Crops & Climate Change series, this brief is presented in three parts: 1) An evaluation of the importance of wheat in SSA, based on production, net exports, and caloric need, 2) A novel analysis of historical and projected climate conditions in wheat-growing regions, followed by a summary of the agronomic and physiological vulnerability of wheat crops, 3) A summary of current resources dedicated to wheat, based on research and development investments and National Adaptation Programmes of Action. Overall, this analysis indicates that the importance of wheat as an imported product remains high throughout SSA, though food crop production and dependence is concentrated in a relatively small area. Wheat-growing regions throughout SSA are likely to face yield decreases as a result of predicted rises in temperatures and possible changes in precipitation. Resources intended to aid adaptation to climate change flow primarily from public sector research and development efforts, though country-level adaptation strategies have not prioritized wheat.

Other reports in the Crops & Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa series include:

  • Crops & Climate Change: Executive Summary
  • Crops & Climate Change: Maize
  • Crops & Climate Change: Rice
  • Crops & Climate Change: Sorghum and Millet

TYPE OF RESEARCH: Literature Review

RESEARCH TOPIC CATEGORY: Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Livelihoods; Agricultural Productivity, Yield, & Constraints; Environment & Climate Change

GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS: Sub-Saharan Africa

DATASET(S): FAOSTAT; Other Datasets

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