Wed, 07/11/2012
AUTHORS: Karina Derksen-Schrock, Amy Pennington, Katie Stahley, Alexander Chew, Rico Natali, C. Leigh Anderson, Mary Kay Gugerty
This brief provides an overview of the national and zonal characteristics of agricultural production in Tanzania using the 2008/2009 wave of the Tanzania National Panel Survey (TZNPS), part of the Living Standards Measurement Study – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA). More detailed information and analysis is available in the separate EPAR Tanzania LSMS-ISA Reference Report, Sections A-G.
A poster presenting highlights of our research using the Tanzania LSMS-ISA was presented at the Evans School Research Symposium in 2013.
The other reports in our series analyzing data from the 2008-2009 wave of the TZNPS include:
- Section A: Introduction and Overview (EPAR Technical Report #154)
- Section B: Median Farmer Profile (EPAR Research Brief #167)
- Section C: Household Characteristics and Education (EPAR Technical Report #160)
- Section D: Farm Characteristics, Crops, and Productivity (EPAR Technical Report #161)
- Section E: Livestock and Livestock By-Products (EPAR Technical Report #164)
- Section F: Farm Inputs (EPAR Technical Report #163)
- Section G: Food Consumption and Expenditures (EPAR Technical Report #165)
- Section H: Nutrition (EPAR Technical Report #166)
- Gender (EPAR Research Brief #190)
- Input Use (EPAR Research Brief #179)
- Market Access (EPAR Research Brief #196)
- Intercropping (EPAR Research Brief #216)
- Maize Cultivation (EPAR Research Brief #187)
- Paddy Cultivation (EPAR Research Brief #188)
- Legume Cultivation (EPAR Research Brief #189)
- Sorghum & Millet Cultivation (EPAR Research Brief #224)
RESEARCH TOPIC CATEGORY: Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Livelihoods; Agricultural Productivity, Yield, & Constraints; Agricultural Inputs & Farm Management; Market & Value Chain Analysis; Household Well-Being & Equity; Food Security & Nutrition; Labor & Time Use; Gender
GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS: East Africa Region and Selected Countries
Downloadable Documents
Full Report
Poster Presentation