Thu, 10/06/2011
AUTHORS: Amy Pennington, Travis Reynolds, Kristen Holway, C. Leigh Anderson, Mary Kay Gugerty
This is “Section H” of a report that presents estimates and summary statistics from the 2008/2009 wave of the Tanzania National Panel Survey (TZNPS), part of the Living Standards Measurement Study – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA). We present our analysis of nutrition and malnutrition, and of the variation across agricultural and non-agricultural households, gender, age, and zones. For example, we find that stunting (low height for age) was the most prevalent indicator of malnutrition, with 43% of the under-five population categorized in the moderate to severe range, while less than 17% children under the age of five were reported to be underweight (low weight for age). A higher proportion of children in female-headed households experienced stunting (46% versus 42% in male-headed households) and were underweight (19% versus 16% in male-headed households).
The other reports in our series analyzing data from the 2008-2009 wave of the TZNPS include:
- Section A: Introduction and Overview (EPAR Technical Report #154)
- Section B: Median Farmer Profile (EPAR Research Brief #167)
- Section C: Household Characteristics and Education (EPAR Technical Report #160)
- Section D: Farm Characteristics, Crops, and Productivity (EPAR Technical Report #161)
- Section E: Livestock and Livestock By-Products (EPAR Technical Report #164)
- Section F: Farm Inputs (EPAR Technical Report #163)
- Section G: Food Consumption and Expenditures (EPAR Technical Report #165)
- Gender (EPAR Research Brief #190)
- National and Zonal Highlights (EPAR Technical Report #184)
- Input Use (EPAR Research Brief #179)
- Market Access (EPAR Research Brief #196)
- Intercropping (EPAR Research Brief #216)
- Maize Cultivation (EPAR Research Brief #187)
- Paddy Cultivation (EPAR Research Brief #188)
- Legume Cultivation (EPAR Research Brief #189)
- Sorghum & Millet Cultivation (EPAR Research Brief #224)
RESEARCH TOPIC CATEGORY: Household Well-Being & Equity; Food Security & Nutrition
GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS: East Africa Region and Selected Countries
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