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Quarterly Commodity Prices Update: Q1 2011


Mon, 04/25/2011

AUTHORS: Justin Paulsen, C. Leigh Anderson


This report presents summary of recent changes and price trends, demand, supply, and market conditions for selected agricultural commodities for the first quarter of 2011 (January through March). The first quarter of 2011 was characterized by price volatility, particularly in cereals, and overall higher global commodity prices. Food prices generally continued the rise seen in 2010’s third and fourth quarters, with a minor drop-off resulting from the earthquake and nuclear crisis in Japan. Dairy, cotton, and cereals led the commodity gains. Stocks generally remained low, while consumption was seen as increasing. 

See also:

EPAR Research Brief #9: Quarterly Commodity Prices Update Q3 2008

EPAR Research Brief #14: Quarterly Commodity Prices Update: Q4 2008

EPAR Research Brief #53: Quarterly Commodity Prices Update: Q2-Q3 2009

EPAR Research Brief #66: Quarterly Commodity Prices Update: Q4 2009

EPAR Research Brief #74: Quarterly Commodity Prices Update: Q1 2010

EPAR Research Brief #97: Quarterly Commodity Prices Update: Q2 2010

EPAR Research Brief #120: Quarterly Commodity Prices Update: Q4 2010

EPAR Research Brief #191: Quarterly Commodity Prices Update: Q4 2011

TYPE OF RESEARCH: Research Brief

RESEARCH TOPIC CATEGORY: Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Livelihoods; Market & Value Chain Analysis

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