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  • AgQuery 50X2030 Cambodia Initiative

    In December 2024, members of the Evans School Policy and Analysis Research (EPAR) group visited Cambodia, for the launch of AgQuery, an open-source, publicly-available data-visualization tool that EPAR developed to guide policy analysis and host rich agricultural data like the Cambodian Agricultural Survey. University of Washington Professors Leigh Anderson and Stanley Wood, and EPAR Research…

  • Patterns of household food consumption across food groups and sources in sub-Saharan African countries

    Background In most low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), per capita food expenditure has been steadily rising over the past few decades despite challenges from climate change, conflict, and COVID-19. Trends in food consumption are driven by urbanization, higher incomes, globalization, increased economic integration, and consumer preferences. In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) there has been a shift…

  • Where do African farmers obtain their seed from? Insights from Ethiopia and Nigeria

    Background and motivation  Timely access to quality seed, among other factors, determines household planting decisions and has implications for agricultural productivity. Hence, it is important to understand where and how small-scale producers (SSP) obtain their seed. To answer this question, we use nationally representative agricultural households survey data from the Living Standards and Measurement Study…