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Waste Treatment and Reuse


Sat, 01/29/2011

AUTHORS: Kristen Holway, Mary Kay Gugerty, Sally Brown, Susan Bolton, Joseph Cook


The purpose of this literature review is to provide qualitative and quantitative examples of technologies, constraints and incentives for efficient waste treatment and reuse in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.  We present relevant case studies and expert observations and experiences on the nutrient content in urine and feces, contaminants frequently found in untreated sludge and wastewater, waste treatment technologies that may be relevant for low-income countries, risks associated with waste reuse, benefits to resource recovery in agriculture. We further discuss reasons for waste treatment failures, including urbanization, observations on challenges with market-driven reuse in less developed countries, and examples of net-positive energy facilities in Europe and the United States. Much of the evidence presented in the literature relates to wastewater treatment processes or the sludge produced from wastewater treatment as opposed to untreated fecal sludge.  However, examples of risks, failures, and opportunities for raw sludge treatment and reuse are discussed when available.  In some cases, empirical evidence or case studies were not available for developing countries and alternatives are presented.  Overall we found the empirical evidence on waste treatment and reuse in developing countries is quite thin. 

TYPE OF RESEARCH: Literature Review

RESEARCH TOPIC CATEGORY: Household Well-Being & Equity; Health; Technology; Technology Adoption

GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS: South Asia Region and Selected Countries; Sub-Saharan Africa

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