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Women’s Empowerment Collectives Portfolio Evaluation


Thu, 04/25/2019

AUTHORS: C. Leigh Anderson, Nida Haroon, Melissa Howlett, Namrata Kolla, Aline Meysonnat, Anu Sidhu, Thomas De Hoop, Garima Siwach, Sapna Desai, Gary Darmstadt

EPAR is working in a consortium with American Institutes for Research, The Population Council, and Stanford University to complete a Portfolio Evaluation of the Gates Foundation’s investments in Women’s Empowerment Collectives (WECs). This page includes our:

  • Glossary: this document outlines the coding approach for the Portfolio Evaluation on Women’s Empowerment Collectives; it parallels the coding framework and provides a glossary of terms used with additional information on coding decisions
  • Coding framework: this document is a blank version of our coding framework; we used it to organize information available in the grant documents according to the glossary
  • Summary of data sources: WECs, Ag, MM: a summary of data sources that include questions about WECs, agriculture, and mobile money (MM)

Additional EPAR technical reports relating to Women’s Empowerment Collectives:

  • Self Help Groups Prevalence and Coverage (EPAR Technical Report #362): PivotTables presenting data analysis about the prevalence and coverage of self-help groups in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda
  • Self Help Groups in Development: a Review of Evidence from South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa (EPAR Technical Report #283): a review of evidence on the effectiveness of self-help groups in promoting health, finance, agriculture, and empowerment objectives in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

TYPE OF RESEARCH: Portfolio Review



DATASET(S): Other Datasets

Downloadable Documents


Summary of data sources: WECs, Ag, MM

Coding framework