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Modeling Tools for Agricultural Development Interventions: A Review of Tools and Research Models


Thu, 09/02/2010

AUTHORS: Julie Wroblewski, C. Leigh Anderson, Robert Plotnick


The purpose of this literature review is to examine research and decision-making tools that model the impacts of agricultural interventions. We begin with a short explanation of what model features are being described. We then review decision-support tools and user-end modeling tools (menu-driven tools with an interface designed for easy use), as well as academic and professional research models for assessing the potential impacts of agricultural interventions. This review also includes decision tools and models for analyzing agricultural and environmental policies outside of technology impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The other tools mentioned here, for example a tool that considers nutritional intervention impacts, are included to help provide a broader understanding of the structure and availability of user-end, decision-making tools. In the final section of this brief, we review the most complex models used more in academic research than for in-field decision-making.

TYPE OF RESEARCH: Literature Review

RESEARCH TOPIC CATEGORY: Development Finance & Policy; Technology; Research & Development

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Literature Review